Answers from Above

Weekly Messages Archive November 2010

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November 26, 2010...Why would humanity choose chaos over peace?
November 19, 2010...Why have there been so many mine explosions?
November 12, 2010...What does the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” really mean?
November 5, 2010.....Why are people receiving prophecies at this time?

November 26, 2010: Why would humanity choose chaos over peace?

For the same reason humanity would choose peace over chaos. It’s all learned behavior. Do what those before you have “succeeded” at. Bring peace to the forefront for a change.

Chaos is what you create, if you have plenty of time on your hands and you are longing for something to do. Chaos takes a lot of energy, and in turn creates a lot of energy. If someone offered you chaos in a sealed bag, would you open it? If so, why? Do you find chaos intriguing, emotionally moving, destructive, and chock full of momentum and energy? It’s like shaking up a can of whipped cream and then holding your finger on the trigger. But remember, someone, essentially you, has to clean up the mess made by chaos. Chaos may lead you to freedom, but it’s not free.

Peace on the other hand is the path less chosen by those who like chaos. Peace represents balance which is the opposite of chaos. Peace needs followers, while chaos imprisons followers by their own will. Peace will always seek a happy medium. Chaos will always seek the extreme.

If you look at your world as a whole, does chaos or peace prevail on a day-to-day basis? It all depends what the purveyors and profligators of truth are saying on the airwaves. Boxes with transmitters reaching millions and often billions of people on Earth. Is a television or radio or phone a product of chaos or peace? The one(s) who invented these devices needed peace and quiet to develop a working model for future generations. But what has become of these devices—the creation of a more chaotic or more peaceful world? It depends who’s using them and how they are using them.

And so the same is why humanity would choose chaos over peace. What do you choose? (Asmuth)  [Top]


November 19, 2010: Why have there been so many mine explosions?

Blessed are those who travel these deep mines to extract, dig out, and load a most precious earth gift, coal. So many of you are dependent upon it, but few truly value it. Most see it as a cheap and inexpensive commodity. And when a resource, such as coal, is not truly valued, the rules which govern health and safety are ignored or paid little attention to. And the result is mine explosions through negligence, disregard, and slim profit margins.

So I ask you all to value all the gifts you have been given. Life on earth is a gift, not a right. You have been given all you need for survival, comfort, and pleasure. Just take time each day to pray, meditate, or be thankful for all you have. Remember, your life is a gift. Treat your life as a gift, and you will receive all you need. Needs and wants are different. You will always get what you need.

Remember those who have died in mine explosions. They have given a gift to you, whether it be a year of electricity, running water, fuel to harvest and process your food and make your shoes, so that you can survive every day on earth.

Mine explosions are a byproduct of the materials being mined. Great care must be taken when extracting materials and resources from the surface or inside of the earth. Liken this to your own body and realize and revere the gift of life. You and the earth are precious. Treat both with respect. Blessed are those who walk the earth in unison with it. (Euphrena)  [Top]


November 12, 2010: What does the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” really mean?

As an angel, the word “kill” is incomprehensible. It is way beyond the creator’s intent, yet it is so much a part of life on earth. Killing is simply a useless act. It is derived from life on earth for so many years. Indeed, it is a way of life for many, whether they admit to it or not.

There are deaths by accident, which are far removed from death by intention. If you wish someone to die, and they do, are you responsible? Indeed you are, just by sending out the intention of their demise.

“Thou shalt not kill” was not a suggestion when the words were first uttered by Jesus Christ, while on earth for a short time. He wanted to convey the importance of all life, not just human life. But he knew that this commandment had to be spoken.

Remember, we are all souls united as one. What you do to another, positively or negatively, affects you and everyone else. It’s not just about you. It’s about us. Take the word “kill” and spell it backwards. Add an “e” and you have like. How about “Thou shalt like one another.” Maybe that was the intent of this commandment. If a vastly superior being came to earth from heaven, and heaven is a world of unconditional love and peace, he or she would express words of love. So remember, love spelled backwards is evol. Add a “v” and an “e,” and you get evolve.

Maybe the intent of the creator was for all humankind to love and evolve from killing to liking. Many have not heeded the initial commandment call. And the creator knew this. So he/she gave you a puzzle to solve. Figure out how to love, evolve, and like. What do you think? Will you think or go backwards and spell kniht (night) and stay in darkness? Is it your free will or your will free? (Euphrena) [Top]

November 5, 2010: Why are people receiving prophecies at this time?

Angelic and godly truths, those of the creator, must be told to the masses at this time. Think of the past five thousand years as a time akin to letting your children run about with several books handed down to them by previous prophets. The children were told to live by the teaching in the book(s), but they went astray and created books in their own words, substituting the original cover for their words.

For a long time, these books were used by rulers and countries to control the masses. Many wars have been fought over and in the name of these books. How can so many books say the same thing, but their followers call their book “the Book”?

The time has come to reign in all the Books, and call a meeting. This meeting will come in the form of a being, known as “The Essence of One.” The being knows all—past, present, and future—and will finally put to rest what has been known for thousands of years.

What the modern-day prophets are alluding to is a time of unconditional love and peace for all humankind. But you must choose to hear the words, feel the words, and embrace the love that is coming. Do not be afraid. Just be.

Listen to what the prophets say, but “hear it” with your soul. And if you “hear it,” pass on the knowledge to others so they can “hear it” with their soul. This does not mean proselytizing, but instead listening with your soul. Do you understand the difference?

The prophets are just messengers who are listening with their soul. Are you listening with your soul? (Euphrena)  [Top]



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