Answers from Above

Weekly Messages Archive December 2010

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December 3, 2010....How can people give thanks when life is so difficult?
December 10, 2010.Will Israelis and Palestinians ever find peace?
December 24, 2010.What is the best gift that we can give Jesus?
December 31, 2010 .How can we better our world in 2011?


December 3, 2010: How can people give thanks when life is so difficult?

Giving thanks every day for what you have is easy. Applying those thanks in the difficult and challenging days of your life is not as easy. Simply said, you must practice what you preach, not by just talking about it, but by doing it.

There will always be difficulties in your life on earth. These difficulties are lessons disguised as the truth. How do you perceive the truth—easy or difficult? If someone calls you a liar, it’s difficult to handle the truth. Conversely, if someone speaks highly of you, it’s easy to handle the truth. Which scenario makes you feel better about yourself?

If you live your life according to the truth, your life will be easier. By the truth, I mean being thankful for every thing, experience, outcome, friend, family member, kind stranger (remember random acts of kindness), and animal, tree, and plant. Your list can be endless. Think of it as honoring all you have been given from conception to the present moment.

There may seemingly be a lot of random events in your life. But be assured, the script has been written by you through the concept of free will and divine order. The two go hand in hand. But you must be thankful for all that is.

From this point on, your life will be easier. Believe it, feel it, be it. Thank you. (Shamani)


December 10, 2010: Will Israelis and Palestinians ever find peace?

I ask you, is peace that elusive? Two countries, two cultures, two ideologies, two religions, two people—alike in so many ways but determined to seek out and destroy the other. Both inhabit the Earth, eat, drink, sleep, pray, celebrate birth, celebrate special occasions, have fun, play games, listen to music, talk to friends, neighbors, and family, find time to be thankful, encourage others to do their best, think and try to make the best and right choices, and—most important—love.

Yet when it comes to a hastily-drawn political/religious border, suddenly all the similarities are forgotten. Why is this? That’s the question that needs to be answered. If you were to just see the soul of an Israeli or Palestinian, you wouldn’t know the difference. There isn’t a big sign or label on a soul. The soul is the core essence of a being—pure love, peace, and happiness.

What many beings “see” is a skin color, distinct facial features indicating a particular nationality, a religious or political affinity, or a language accent. And that is how they (you?) define that person. Can a person be judged by where they were born, how they were raised, and how they have chosen or been forced to live? Please realize that freedom and mobility is not an option for many in the world. Why? Because of what people (you?) “see.”

Close your eyes and envision a world of souls in pure love, peace, and happiness. What you are seeing can be had on Earth and earth. But you must learn to “see” with your soul’s “eye.”

There will be peace on Earth one day. And today it will start with you. (Euphrena)

December 17, 2010: Will Jesus ever return to Earth?

Why does Jesus have to return to Earth? To save you from your own demise? Are you waiting for the Saviour to save you from what many are calling the end times? And what form do you expect him to take—one from 2,000 years ago that has been passed down from memory?

Remember, Jesus is everywhere, just as God is. Do you not see Jesus’ words, deeds, and actions at work every day, in every place you go, in every plant, animal, and insect? I know, everyone wants to see the body of Jesus. It is not enough to believe, especially when one’s faith is tested to the limit.

If Jesus were to return to Earth today without any fanfare, akin to his birth 2,000 years ago, would you recognize him or her? If Jesus was an incredibly rich billionaire or a simple impoverished penniless person, would you recognize him or her?

Many of you expect a Great Awakening/Great Return. But how many of you would stop what you are doing, unless the Great Coming happened to be on a Holy Day, holiday, or religious observance day?

So what I’m saying to you is live as if Jesus has returned to Earth. For if you do, when Jesus makes his/her grand return, you will be ready.

It’s not enough to just say I’ve done all the church rituals and I’m prepared. You have to live your life and be an example of pure love, truth, and happiness. Words, empty phrases, and rituals may keep you on track in your life, but actions are what you will be “judged” on. Are you ready? Then let Jesus return. If not, then start living the truth and hope Jesus will return when you have mastered it. (Euclisites)

December 24, 2010: What is the best gift that we can give Jesus?

The best gift you can give Jesus is the gift of pure love—love without any expectation—simply unconditional love.

How many times have you asked Jesus to help you with something and been disappointed with the outcome? Were you loving and accepting? Sure, it’s easy to love someone when they do and act exactly as you want. Think of your pet as one who is an example of unconditional love most of the time. Are you unconditionally loving toward them?

To love yourself is the best gift you can give to Jesus. This is not loving and pleasing just your ego self and all its needs. It’s about loving and honoring your self, your work, your life, your contributions, your mother, your father, your friends, and on and on. Everything you have has origins in the creator of life. Honor everything for everything is a gift.

Do your best, be your best, and honor your best in Jesus’ name. The gift is everlasting. (Euphrena)


December 31, 2010: How can we better our world in 2011?

Simply ask yourself, what’s working in my life and what isn’t? Whatever isn’t working, seek to change it. The end of the year is the precursor to the beginning of another year. It’s a great opportunity for betterment. If everyone did this, the world would be six billion times better. Imagine the change—it’s almost unfathomable.

Remember to be thankful for everything you have and everything around you. All you have is a matter of the choices you have made. Are you happy with these choices? If not, now’s the time to make a better choice.

Also, remember “better” is how you see it, perceive it, or understand it. But that is also a gift—to be able to choose what is better for you. If you were simply told it was better for you, would you appreciate it more?

Also think of life on earth as being better next year by all of the positive contributions you have made this year. Every year, life gets better and better. Think of it as the evolution of your life, the world’s life.

Sure, sometimes life can be undeniably difficult and very challenging, especially when you are faced with a sudden and terrible loss. During these times, it’s important to go through the grieving process one step at a time. By doing this, you become a better person. And when someone needs assistance and comfort, you are better prepared to help. The end result is a better world. And that is what I wish for you in 2011. (Shamani)



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