Answers from Above

Weekly Messages Archive May 2010

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May 28, 2010: ..........How will North Korea and Iran affect the United States in the near future?
May 21, 2010: ..........How can we release our painful feelings about horrific personal and collective events?
May 14, 2010:...........What lessons can we learn from the Gulf Coast oil spill?
May 7, 2010:.............Why do we have such division in America right now?

May 28, 2010 How will North Korea and Iran affect the United States in the near future?

Just remember, the future is what you make of it. The outcome of any dilemma or crisis can be solved by acknowledging and accepting the differences between two warring parties. It is not enough to just stake out a piece of land and territory, and say it is mine. You must defend your territory, and that is what this triangle of three nations is doing. Right or wrong, the ideology and the national pride stand. If one flinches or makes a move, the other does the same. Basically for now, it’s only a war of words. Who can scream the loudest.

If you put ten men in a room, you will have ten different people with ten different ideas. Seldom can people in power agree, unless they agree to share the power and the money. That is what is truly at stake here—power and money. It’s not what’s good for the nations’ people. The people and citizens are just pawns in a deadly game. Do you want to be a pawn in a game, with your destiny presented as a collateral loss?

What I invite you to do is pray, meditate, or contemplate for a peace-filled solution. If you cannot do this, then truly you will be a pawn of your destiny. Do you understand?

You have a choice every moment of your life. If you choose to go to war or you choose to go to peace makes no difference, because it is your choice. And you will see how your life unfolds with each choice. Make a decision and see what becomes of it and what you become. It’s as simple as that. (Asmuth)  [Top]


May 21, 2010 How can we release our painful feelings about horrific personal and collective events? Where shall we seek help?

First, you must go within. As difficult as this may seem, it is the only way. You must acknowledge the events of the past. This is not to say that you must relive the personal or collective event in your mind. Just simply acknowledge the event(s).

If you are ready in your own heart and mind, you can cast the past. Visualize a rocket ship loaded with all these bad memories taking off and blasting into space—never to return.

Now fill the vacuum in your emotions with love. Think of a beautiful emerald forest, a sunny seashore, a smooth river, or a nice place of your choosing. Feel the warm breezes on your face. Visualize eternal life as this, and realize that you can experience the same on earth. Breathe in the pure air. Fill your lungs with all thoughts that are positive. This is your life from this point on. (Running Bear)  [Top]

May 14, 2010 What lessons can we learn from the Gulf Coast oil spill?

First and foremost, the earth mother takes care of her children, regardless of the pain and hardship they cause her. You who are devoted mothers on earth understand this need to care for your children. It is not simple nor easy to sit back and watch your children go down a long disastrous path. But they must learn the hard way sometimes. When they go chasing after something that is not theirs to own and destroy, they come running back to their mother for protection.

The lessons are imprinted all over the Gulf Coast oil spill. It is a true wonder it has taken this long for many to realize that the true path to energy independence is not through the deepest holes drilled into the earth. When one builds behemoth monsters on platforms to drill massive holes in the earth without honoring the gift, the result is predictable. Greed and multiple fortunes embraced and fostered by the actions and attitudes of a few hundred individuals are the lessons to be learned. Simply said, do what you must do to live on earth, but first honor the earth.

Do you wish to anger your earth mother or honor her? Is money more important than honoring your mother? Remember your earth mother has always unconditionally loved you. She has given you a place to stay for your lifetime. She has given you a time and a place to learn all of your lessons, good and bad. She has never given you bad lessons. Those reside in your choices and the exercision of your free will.

This I will tell you, the lessons will keep coming, if you do not look at the ways that have led to this environmental and earthly catastrophe.

There are so many ways you can generate electricity and power for your vehicles, yet the prevailing attitude is the old-fashioned way. It’s a lot more expensive to clean up this mess, than it is to create a new wave of earth-friendly vehicles powered by the sun.

Think of the Sun (the Son) as your Father. This is in many of your religious teachings and books. The Sun/the Son will provide all the light you need, all the energy you need, and all the food you need. But without the Mother (Earth), the children (you) cannot survive in an earthly sense. And if the mother, father, and children want to share the earth, then all of them must work together as a family. And that means working together as one. Is your lesson to be one or independent of the one? I’ll let you decide. (Running Bear)   [Top]

May 7, 2010 Why do we have such division in America right now?

The division can only come from one place and that’s within you. No one person can divide a country, but an entire population of multiple entities with multiple identities, skin colors, hair colors, facial expressions, vocal epitaphs, and an endless list of differences can manifest feelings of division. And when you mix all these people in a proverbial melting pot, you have a reason for multiple divisions across racial lines, language barriers, and class boundaries.

If division is the opposite of multiplication, then why do many people on earth multiply and divide? Isn’t the idea to create and encourage life, freedom (liberty), and the pursuit of happiness in America? Then why do so many want to deprive others of the same?—ergo the division. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy toward non-community and non-coherence.

Inherently, only a handful of people want division. The others just follow because it’s what they’re told is good for the country, on the air waves. And it appears that it’s working. Divide the masses and the rest will fall.

Without division, you would simply have unity, community, and stability. Where do you stand on the division issue—what side? Do you realize by taking sides between the left and the right, you are part of the division. You are part of the reason division exists. Is that what you want? If so, then divide yourself but don’t expect others to unite behind you. Three-hundred-million-plus inhabitants in America, divided unto themselves, does not constitute one nation—under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. God is about unity. If you choose to divide him for your own needs, then the divisions will continue in your one nation. Think about it. (Asmuth) [Top]



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