Answers from Above

Weekly Messages Archive June 2010

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June 25, 2010.....Is the United States becoming more conservative?
June 18, 2010: ....A Message for Summer Solstice
June 11, 2010:.....How can the Gulf Coast Oil Spill be stopped? Can you give BP, the workers, and the government some specific advice?
June 4, 2010:...... Is autism linked to vaccinations? And how can parents best help their autistic children?

June 25, 2010 Is the United States becoming more conservative?

If one were to look at your many media outlets, it would appear that those who speak the loudest tout the most conservative ideas. But to say the United States is becoming more conservative would be an error. In fact, it is being tested across a wide spectrum of ideologies. As you know, with a country as diverse and desirous as the United States, it must remain flexible, open, progressive, and ever-adapting in order for progress on all fronts to progress.

When one wishes to harken back to the old days and old ways, one is living in the old world. Truth be known, every one of you on earth grow, change, and adapt to a new set of living conditions every day.

True conservatism is not practiced, even by those who call themselves “conservatives.” The same people are not living in caves, devoid of government help, assistance, or aid, and truth be known, their homes are anything but conservative. Try living on air, consuming no or little resources, and thinking only about your self. That is as close to true conservatism as you can get. And what would you think of that type of limited existence?

Simply said, if you wish to be a conservative, then be one. To simply label yourself one or associate yourself with a group, trend, or national identity is simply that—just a label or an association. (Shamani)   [Top]

June 18, 2010:  A Message for Summer Solstice

What is a circle but a mass of connected points rotating around a circular point. The Earth is one such circle and as it rotates around a central point, so do you and all creatures, living and non-living.

Creation began with you and will end with you. By this I mean, you are a point living on a circle, the Earth, and when you die your place on that circle will be replaced by another.

So how you live your life on Earth is so important. Think of the impact you make on Earth, while living on the earth. Tread lightly but make your own impressions in the earth.

Remember, life on earth is a gift. Use the gift wisely. Remember you are one of billions of people who live on the circle. You are all connected like points in a circle.

So I ask you to remember that a circle has no beginning or end. And so the same is with you and your spirit. Your physical body has a beginning and an ending, but your spirit/soul does not.

So, protect and enrich your soul. [Visualize your soul as being a ball of light in your hands.] Massage it like a circle of light. Hold it, love it, and share its (your) wisdom with others. For if you do, life on the circle (the Earth and the earth) will be easier.

As you celebrate the summer solstice, remember the sun, the moon, the Earth, and the stars. Without circles of land and light, you would not be alive in your present human body.

Today, remember the Sun who represents your father, remember the Earth who represents your mother, and remember all the seeds that have been born of this union. Most importantly and reverently, remember the Creator in whichever way you feel comfortable. This can be through prayer, meditations, thanks, or gifts (both material and immaterial). Remember where you came from and where you are going.

Since you live on a circle, always remember the circle depends on you to sustain it. And if you do not, the physical part of you will disappear, but the circle (the Earth) will not.

So how will you choose to live your life—as a connected point on the circle with all people and creatures, or in a box, surrounded by six walls, disconnected from the circle? It’s your choice. Think about it but get ‘round to it.

Accept my gratitude and thanks for allowing my spirit to be part of your circle. That is truly a blessing. (Shamani)  [Top]

June 11, 2010 How can the Gulf Coast Oil Spill be stopped? Can you give BP, the workers, and the government some specific advice?

As with any problem, there is a solution. The solution in this case does not come easy or without harm to a multitude of living things. You now realize how you got here, through greed, profit, misuse of natural resources, overconsumption, lowering gasoline standards, building skyscrapers, drilling thousands of feet into the earth without asking Mother Earth. That’s all cause for speculation and hearsay for many at the top of the corporate structure.

When profit and greed are put before safety, this spill of this magnitude is inevitable. So you ask, how can it be stopped? The answer is not simple. The solution is complex and must encompass many fronts.

Creating a vortex type of flow, as in a supersonic-type speed circular flow downward through the wellhead, would be part of the solution. You would have to generate a downward spiral vortex flow which would basically send the oil back where it came from, as well as the energy.

Energy is a huge component in life on Earth and the earth. You must work in conjunction with the ley lines of the Earth. Energy can be redirected and refocused. Do not be limited by your one-dimensional thoughts. Look beyond and realize.

Another part of the solution is sealing the wellhead, and sediments and rock around the leaking wellhead. You cannot use conventional methods to do this. I realize that what I speak of next has fallen on deaf ears and blind sight previously. The technology the world possesses in terms of laser beams, ion beams, and electron beams is an immediate solution to sealing the wellhead and the area around the wellhead. BP must think outside the containment box. It is better to take the loss of oil and methane gas, and unspecified millions of dollars in profit, and save the planet, Earth, from irreparable damage.

If BP engineers continue to think inside the containment box, they will be limited to their own box-like solution. Remember what I said about creating a supersonic high speed downward circular vortex flow. This is not containment box thinking. If you drill a circular hole in the ground, and you have a spill of crisis proportions, you have to create a circular solution.

Focusing one of these high-intensity beams around and on the point of imminent flow would do more toward solving the problem than a box which perpetuates the problem.

Ultimately, it is the “common” people who will be called to pay the ultimate price. Are you willing to spend the rest of your life paying for the mistakes of many? And how can you ever erase the memory of all the dead and dying birds, fish, mammals, plankton, and every living thing up and down the food chain for decades to come?

Ultimately, the Earth will decide whether you will stop this spill. Maybe you will seek another way and create another disaster. Who is going to decide for you? (Asmuth) [Top]

June 4, 2010: Is autism linked to vaccinations? And how can parents best help their autistic children?

Autism is a challenge for all who know it—the child, the parents, the grandparents, the social workers, the mental health professionals, and the list goes on and on.

Is autism linked to vaccinations? Most certainly so, but there are many who dispute the evidence. It is like arguing whether the chicken or the egg came first. It really doesn’t matter. What matters is acknowledging the truth about autism and how it affects children and adults. One could argue the causes for an eternity. It’s more important to focus on a solution.

The first part of the solution is to make safer vaccinations and administer them by the book. Just saying, “I don’t have time to shake the vial” is an improper way to administer the vaccine.

The second part of the solution is to limit the number of vaccinations. How many vaccinations does one child need to live in the world? Are you as a society trying to vaccinate your children against the ills of the world? And why do you feel the need to do this? A child, with the help of loving and caring parents, can develop their own natural immunity and be required to have less than five vaccinations. And these vaccinations are only needed because your world (the Earth) is so mobile with people, animals, and products traveling the world over.

The third part of the solution is loving your autistic child. Do not be afraid of him or her, or treat him or her like a child. Every autistic (although they should not be labeled) child deserves your love and respect. Treat them as functioning human beings who have great difficulty navigating the puzzle of life. Love your child, nurture your child, and above all hug your child. “Autistic” children are sensitive to touch, and need to be held and loved.

The fourth part of the solution is proper diet, exercise, and fostering a creative environment. You have all heard about proper diet and exercise, but do you practice it? Well it’s time to do it. Think of your child as a living and breathing unique individual. What you put into your body (refined grains and flours, sugars, artificial and “natural” flavors) are “toxic” to an “autistic” child. Just remove these “foods” from their diet, and you will see a dramatic change.

Lastly, create a creative outlet for your child’s energy. Find a balanced way for them to channel their energy in a positive way. Be creative!

I wish you luck on your new journey. Now that you have the answers, will you be part of the solution? It’s your choice, your child’s choice, the world’s choice. (Euphrena) [Top]



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