Answers from Above

Weekly Messages Archive August 2010

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August 27, 2010...... Should we have invaded Afghanistan?
August 20, 2010.......Who is responsible for the Gulf Coast oil spill?
August 13, 2010.......How can we feel secure again?
August 6, 2010.........Will we ever find world peace

August 27, 2010: Should we have invaded Afghanistan?

The reason the United States, along with other nations, invaded Afghanistan was to maintain security in a volatile unsecure area. Security was the main reason for the invasion. And now, the security of all individuals inhabiting the country is being questioned. There are countrymen fighting against countrymen, tribal factions fighting against tribal factions, and sovereign territory and area leaders fighting against sovereign territory and area leaders. It is basically a civil war in progress. How can another outside country maintain security with insecure borders?

The best security one can provide is a well-fed, well-hydrated (with water), well-housed, and well-educated functional population. If you work on helping people to help themselves, they will see you as a friend and not the enemy.

Think back in history on earth, what wars were truly won? The war on hunger, fresh available drinking water for everyone, disease, and the list grows and grows. I invite you to put your energy into feeling more secure. For if you do, you will not feel the need to invade other countries in the name of security. (Euclisites)   [Top]

August 20, 2010: Who is responsible for the Gulf Coast oil spill?

It is far too easy to point fingers at one person or one company. Yet that is the way of humankind. Blame others for what you have done or have a hand in. By hand, I mean a car, motorcycle, truck, house, apartment, electric supply, water supply, gas supply, and the purchase of thousands of items over the course of your lifespan. Directly or indirectly, every thing you own, including the human body, has been and is dependent on fossil fuels.

When you get up in the morning, everything you touch has a direct connection to fossil fuels, via the use or manufacture.

Fossil fuels, namely oil and gas, are gifts for your survival. But when faced with an oil crisis or oil spill of great magnitude, you point the finger away from yourself, ignoring self-responsibility.

Let it be known, all inhabitants of the earth are directly or indirectly responsible for the Gulf Coast oil spill. It is time to stop laying blame and start realizing your own use and consumption. That’s called individual or self-responsibility. Make the choice to be responsible, and you will be responsible for your own actions in a most positive way, devoid of what is spilled. (Running Bear)  [Top]

August 13, 2010: How can we feel secure again?

When you are one with all that is, including yourself, then you can be secure in any situation. Security comes from within. You cannot find it in a pill, drink, or food. You might think these things can make you forget who you are. But the essence of who you are never changes. How you respond to stimuli in the outside world is the key to your inner security.

You see, when you feel threatened or fearful, your security becomes compromised. You close up like a clam in fear of its life. You put up a protective shield around you. Do all of these actions protect you from fear? The answer must come from within. Just like inner security, you can feel protected on the outside, but you must feel secure on the inside. So I invite you to go within and discover your inner security. (Asmuth)  [Top]

August 6, 2010: Will we ever find world peace?

Angelic blessings I give unto you and all who inhabit the earth. I pray and visualize that world peace will illuminate every soul on earth and beyond. There is no reason why world peace cannot be realized in your lifetime, unless you are hell-bent on chaos. If so, then why not choose peace as an avenue to freedom.

Peace takes no prisoners. Every individual is free within the confines of living in a peaceful world. In a world filled with peace, there would be plenty of food, water, and shelter for every man, woman, and child. The exchanges of gifts would be out of love. Seeing the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few would be common ground for peace.

There are adequate resources on Earth, if properly allocated, to serve the billions for many lifetimes. If you can learn and embrace the law of plenty, you will see the Universe is unlimited. I do not mean that it is necessary for you to launch space vehicles and extract resources from other planets. You have all you need on planet Earth. Allocate resources equally and with care and education, and all will come to know world peace. Helping one another, regardless of borders and boundaries, will go a long way toward achieving world peace.

Peace is what is left after all war ceases to exist. It is possible, but the probability begins with the mass consciousness shifting toward eternal peace for all. Will it begin with thee? (Euphrena)   [Top]



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