Answers from Above

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Questions follow this short introduction from Asmuth:

The wisdom of the ages has been bestowed upon you. Where did all life begin and where will it end? When did all life begin and when will it end? And finally, why did all life begin and why will it end? These are the questions handed down to you through time and space. The answers lie between the pages of your fingers, and indeed the answers lie within you.

Fear is the great provocator, it can unleash the best or worst in you. Yet, if you can balance courage and fear, and embrace both equally, you can be courageously fearful. This may be an oxymoron of sorts, but there is profound wisdom and truth in what I say.

Let the magic of love penetrate the thick wall of insecurity that surrounds you. Face your life challenges, do not see challenges or lessons as punishment from a higher power. For if you embrace your challenges and lessons, you will see that your potential for growth is unlimited. Love and respect yourself and others. Every soul has the potential to give and receive unlimited love.

Life on Earth and beyond is all about choices, what choices have you made? Are you happy with your choices? Life is not a random set of events. There exists a framework, based on love, which you must live in. Think about who and what you are. Essentially, you are a being of light. What you think and feel forms the base of who you truly are. You can erect barriers to keep others from discovering the truth, but you can't hide the truth from yourself.

Surely, you have more questions about life on Earth and beyond. Be patient and take the time to re-read this website. And this time, read between the lines, take a sentence, verse, paragraph, will be forever enriched with knowledge and wisdom. You will become aware of that which has kept you from discovering who you truly are - a being filled with love, light, and truth. Till our paths cross again, may your life journey be a positive expression of who you are. I love you all, this day and always. (Asmuth)


What have we learned in the last 2000 years?
Why do we look to the past for answers?
What are the most important global concerns at this time?
What global direction would most benefit our growth?
What lies in what we call Outer Space?
Do you have any predictions for the year 2000?
What will be the lessons of the year 2000?
What were the lessons of the 2000s (2000 - 2010)?
How can we find happiness and peace?
How can we find home? 

What have we learned in the last 2000 years?

If you are bent on finding the truth, then the truth you shall find. If you are bent on finding falsity, then falsity is what you will find. The choice is simple. Indeed, you can find truth in everything, but the question is, can the truth that you have found stand in the light? Now, it is up to each of you to put your idea or concept of the truth to this test. If you are surprised at the results, then surely you have found the truth. The results may surprise those of you who thought you had found the truth, as well as those of you who thought you had not found the truth.

The last 2000 years were merely a blink in the eye of the universe. However, on the earth plane, these years have been a course in human evolution. See how your civilizations have advanced and declined. Empires based on one ego and forced on many. Advance and decline, this seems to be the path chosen by many. War and peace works on the same principle. Now I ask you, has your civilization advanced any further than those before you? Have you learned from the lessons of the past or do you continue to challenge the results of those lessons? Are your lessons characterized with disbelief?

Belief in yourself and a world beyond the earth plane is what many of you have learned in the last 2000 years. Many of you have been reincarnated many times during this period. So ask yourself, what have I learned in my soul's evolution? Have I learned to love myself and others or do I disregard love and embrace ego in order to disgrace myself? Indeed, this may be a difficult question for you to answer.

During the last 2000 years, technology, as you call it, has made numerous advances. You have learned how to sustain more life on the earth plane by sharing the technology. This is the key to your individual and collective survival on the earth plane and beyond. Greed and selfishness leaves huge gapping holes in your soul. Love is the greatest healer of all, but do you have enough love inside you to fill the holes?

In the last 2000 years, we have learned a great many things about ourselves. We have increased our knowledge and wisdom tenfold. Now the time has come to use that knowledge and wisdom to help each other. We must learn to wholeheartedly love and respect all things, "living" and "non-living." Can we learn to raise our levels of consciousness to even higher levels?

Your life can be viewed as a series of karmic justices or injustices. The responsibility for the advancement of your life lies with you. No one else can be held responsible for what you have failed to learn. It is time for each of you to step forth and take responsibility for your own life. The earth, as you know it, depends on you and you depend on it. (Shamani)   [top]

Why do we look to the past for answers? 

Your past holds the keys to your present and future. Can you deny that you have learned nothing from the past? Who and what you are now is a function of your past history. Think of a book of history, do you not look for answers in this book? So why should your life be any different? If I told you your present and future are a reflection of your past, would you believe me?

One of the reasons you look to the past for answers is to confirm and verify your present experiences, feelings, ideas, and thoughts. Think of the past as a qualifier for the present. As you expand your consciousness, you will continuously look forward and backward alternately while keeping a forward direction.

You will gauge your experiences of the present and compare them to the past. You will develop your own guidebook to life based on what you see as the truth.

Your truth is no more and no less important than someone else's truth. You are both on a path of self-discovery and will eventually arrive at the same level of understanding.

Use the knowledge and wisdom passed down from those before you. Also, use the knowledge and wisdom that you have attained in past lives. You have a foundation on which to build the present and future. The answers you seek are those based on the truth. The journey may be long and arduous, but if you look to the past for answers, surely you will find the future. For simply, the present is the balancing point between the past and future. If you remember this, you will always be exactly where you need to be, in the present. (Asmuth)   [top]
What are the most important global concerns at this time?

You - citizens of the universe - must unite. What you do globally will have universal effects. The unification of all souls on earth for a common purpose. Harmony is essential to life as you know it. Without harmony, the fragments of beings float in the ethos (ethers).

War must be aborted. The senseless maniacal killing must be no more. Power, greed, jealousy, and hate can not be left unabated.
Destruction of the forests can not continue. Deforestation for profit serves the needs of the few.

Mass consumption is another global concern. Many of you have your minds set on accumulating resources without using them properly. Your life can not be measured by how much you have.

Self-centeredness and selfishness are other global concerns. I often hear what's mine is mine and not yours. Can such ideas sustain a planet?

Another concern is the wasting of resources. You only use what you need or desire and throw the rest away. Do you stop to think that someone else may be able to use that which you throw away?

Another concern is space and the way you use it. I speak of the land and the oceans. I hear you ask, where have all the flowers gone? I reply, you have planted grass and concrete over the flowers. Your idea of beauty has replaced the natural beauty. Use your space more wisely. It is sad to see that you need preservations and reservations. You create places where natural beauty is preserved.

I say to you, all of these concerns are important. There are many other concerns. It is up to you, as citizens of the universe, to unify on a global level. Love yourself and love the earth. By doing this, all things are possible. (Asmuth)   [top]

What global direction would most benefit our growth? 

Individually and globally, you should always move forward, closer to the light and truth. In order to keep this forward motion, you must embrace both love and peace. Mere words of love or peace mean little unless they are spoken from the heart. It is far easier to say you want love and peace in the world, and far more difficult to practice them in your daily life.

Earth is a learning ground for each of you. What you learn on Earth will propel you forward to new dimensions of truth. The knowledge and wisdom you attain in this incarnation will benefit your growth as well as others' growth. Together, each of you make a contribution to the universal consciousness. Your acts of love and peace benefit everything universally. Remember, the universe does not revolve around you. So I ask each and every one of you to be more patient with each other. If you expect less, you will receive more.

Knowledge and wisdom, love and peace, care and respect, and light and truth - these are the universal laws by which you may choose to live. Individually and globally, you can choose to direct or redirect your life for the benefit of all. The direction you take will always propel you to new levels of awareness and growth. And once you become aware, you must always maintain a forward motion.

Collectively, you have the potential to create a world based on eternal love and peace. Again, the profession of words alone means little unless spoken from the heart. So I ask you, are words of love and peace spoken from your heart? Although it may seem you are only one heart and one voice, the words you speak can have global implications. If you can attain love and peace globally, then the light and the truth will be illuminated universally. (Shamani)   [top]

What lies in what we call Outer Space? 

Life, full of dimensions, cryptic messages, messages carried far. Physical dimensions, peaceful, serenity. Cataclysmic universe - oh sacred one, dimension without form. Thoughts carried along waves - waves of intent, wisdom personified, the endless spectrum. However, at the center, all which life revolves around. The revolution of time. Time. Endless time. The universe stagnant. The stars, stories to be told of life as we know it, devoid of reason. The best kept secrets, secrets once told but now revealed.

Space, frontiers of fantasy and fallacy - what direction do we take? Blasphemous desires, caverns of ideas, discoveries foretold, human tendencies from whence we first came. In search of life, formless, devoid of spirit. Yet spirit forms the center, the ecliptic union of souls. Blessed is the place from whence we came. Now, we seek a way back - a way to the light, the light of the spirit.

I find the way difficult myself at times, but with reason and purpose, the way becomes well lit. The oppressed seek to find a way out of the bloodless heart, the truth of the ideas put forth before us. The ideas reign supreme.

Envisioning new life, a new way, a new path. A journey to another plane. A planeless dimension, one without surface (without a bottom). But you would think you would fall through. Fall through to what, support comes through thought. Think it is there and it will be.

Glasses to see with, false security for those who need it. I say, shed those glasses and look forward. Space, all around us, what do you see? Does it take form?

Does it have rhyme or reason? Magical and mystical, a tendency toward the abyss - the great catacomb of life. Life without space would be life without time.

Who can say if space is real at all or imagined. It is what you make it. Create space between yourselves. A space we call home, but does it really exist? Yes, if only in our minds. Minds are the wanderers, the purists, the destined. Minds devoid of space and time. A place I call home. (Asmuth)   [top]

"The next three questions were communicated in 1995, five years before the end of the millennium."

Do you have any predictions for the year 2000?

Does your concept of time, a new millennium, warrant predictions? Again, so many of you seem controlled by a number. The "time" has come for many of you to realize that the ways of the past will not work in the near future.

You are entering a space where much of what you have accepted as truth is being challenged. As I said, you are seeing that the old thoughts and ideas, based on false power and security, are not working. We who reside beyond the earth plane have seen all of this develop and unfold. Many of you seek revenge and retribution against each other for untold offenses. There are many among you who seek to control others through greed. I see cycles of hatred and anger being perpetuated worldwide. So you ask, can the end of the world be near? Is there any hope? Will negativity prevail?

So you say, you want predictions. Based on what I've previously said, it would seem that many of you would expect predictions of worldwide devastation.

Although there is seemingly a lot of negative energy being perpetuated, there is hope. The hope is strong and lives in the souls of all of you who inhabit the earth plane.

I predict that the walls of insecurity and inadequacy will fall. Those who seek to control others will meet their own demise. All of you will be called upon to look within yourselves and bring out the love to share with all things of creation. The year 2000 will be a "time" of consciousness-raising. There will be those who choose to participate and those who choose not to participate. Regardless, the wheels of progress have been set into motion. In order for many of you to survive on the earth plane, the collective consciousness must be elevated. The time has come. The question is, will you accept or reject elevated consciousness?

I do not see physical devastation of the earth, as many of you predict. I do believe that many of you have seen the light at the end of the tunnel, and have taken it upon yourself to start elevating your consciousness in anticipation of what lies ahead. Remember that each of you is responsible for what happens in the year 2000. The question is, will you be ready to accept what has been written by you? Are you a prophet of doom or truth - let your consciousness decide! (Asmuth)   [top]

What will be the lessons of the year 2000?

Many of you await the coming of the year 2000. You either see it as a symbol of hope or as the end of the world. The year 2000 is merely a date in time created by those who walked the earth before you. If you place your entire fate in one year, then you may see exactly what you have come to believe.

It is true that the year 2000 on the earth plane is a breaking point between so-called millenniums. You are faced with many choices and decisions. Who can better make an individual choice or decision than you? You are the ruler of your destiny. Are you ready to place your destiny in the hands of others? Or will you rise up and stand tall in the presence of soothsayers, false prophets, and false predictors?

Time is inversely proportional to the way you live. When you attempt to control time, you see that you are controlled by it. Control is one of the most important lessons of the year 2000. It is important for you to learn that control and power are required tools for those weak in spirit. If you choose to control others or seek power over them, then you will see that you have no control or power over yourself.

Fortresses which you build around yourself can be easily toppled. Let the new millennium be a personal symbol of hope for you. Hope is often derived from feelings of hopelessness. So many of you feel that the earth has taken an irreversible course toward destruction and disaster. I say to you, it is never too late to chart a new path. If you choose a new path, remain focused on positive actions and changes. Love is the eternal savior.

Another lesson of the year 2000 is to learn how to properly utilize the computer technology you possess. The key to this is the word "possession." For when you possess something, you hide it from others. What are you afraid of? Do you think others are not capable of such ego-based centricism? The technology you have been given - you have not begun to understand how it works. You are only concerned with the speed at which it works. Has it made your life less complicated or has it had the opposite effect? And what about those people in other "impoverished" countries who do not "possess" this technology? Are they the forgotten souls?

Remember earlier in this century, when automobiles were first introduced. Now, ninety years later, are there still not people that can not afford such luxuries?

Why is this, you ask? Well, the technology was possessed by a few instead of shared. Until each of you learns to share all things, especially love, it will always seem like there is pain and suffering in the world.

As you prepare yourself for entry into a new millennium, remember what I have said. Many of you will not see the light of day in the year 2000, but do not worry for the light still shines upon you. Your life on the earth plane is just as important as your life beyond. Learn to love and respect one another, regardless of what time it is. This is the lesson of truth which I bestow upon you. Now go and spread the truth. (Asmuth)   [top]

What were the lessons of the 2000s (2000 - 2010)?

You who sit idly by the fire, await the trial by fire. As I look to a time period which has occurred already, but which you have yet to experience, I see widespread devastation and famine, nuclear holocaust, the land in ruins. And all because those who had the foresight did not use it to warn others. The warnings were not heeded. But alas miracles do happen, you have been spared this prophetic injustice. But just think if all I said would have happened. Would you change your life path now or would you continue onward and upward?

Ladders are only as strong as the person who uses them. The steps of the ladder are symbols of every major step in your life. If you try to take two steps at a time, you will miss the step in be een. And that step which you avoided may be the difference between life and death.

The lessons you have chosen for the years 2000 - 2010 are etched in stone. Are you ready to accept what you have chosen? Change does not come easily to those who resist it. For many of you, resistance is a way of life. Resist what you do not understand and covet what you do understand. Take the first step toward making your life better today. Tomorrow is just a phone call away. Who will you call to rescue you from drowning in your own sorrow?

Take what you have learned today and project it five to ten years into the future. If you do, you will surely see the lessons of the years 2000 - 2010 illuminated before you. Charlatans and prophets can predict future events only because they see it with their own eyes. You can choose to see and hear what you want to see and hear.

The lessons of the years 2000 - 2010 are but a memory for me but for you they have yet to begin. You can choose the path least traveled or most traveled. But when you reach the end of the path, you will see that you are exactly where you need to be, here and now. For here and now is what is truly important. (Shamani)   [top]

How can we find happiness and peace? 

Align your mind, body, and spirit with all that is. I speak of universal everlasting happiness and peace.

Many of you find temporary happiness and peace in your life. But does it ever seem to last? Look at the birds in the sky, they seem so happy and peaceful. The birds allow their spirits to soar high above/atop the land. What is their secret of flight? The birds freely express their spirit, they believe that the wind will carry their spirit.

And so you must allow your spirit to soar. Do not be afraid of the freedom. For in the freedom, you will find peace and happiness. But you ask, how can I find peace and happiness every day and once I find it, how can I hold onto it? The answers lie within you. Do not look to material possessions for happiness and peace. Possessions are disguises of happiness and peace. The happiness and peace you feel soon fades into memory, then you are left seeking happiness and peace again.

In order to find lasting feelings of happiness and peace, you must embrace love. Love is all that is. Build a foundation of love, affirm your right to happiness and peace. Happiness and peace is abundant in you, you have the keys. It is up to you to unlock the floodgates. Remember, you must be prepared to accept what you ask for.

You can not possess happiness and peace. If you try to, you will find it is ever elusive. I ask you to take a good look at yourself, evaluate your life, and ask yourself what would make you truly happy. Once you have done this, then make happiness your personal goal. Remain focused on your goal. Release yourself from your past and focus on the present moment. Let your spirit soar for peace awaits you. (Shamani)   [top]

How can we find home? 

The sunlight glistens through the leaves. The leaves of gold shine upon you. You are home.

The place you seek can be ever elusive. Many of you feel that once you live in a certain place, buy something that makes you happy, or marry someone and buy a house, then you will have a home. This may be true, but it is only a temporary substitute for happiness.

When you find true happiness, you will be home.

It is important for you (while you are on the earth plane) to find a place which provides comfort and security. Some of you find it with another person, in a house, or possibly in nature. Nurture the feelings of comfort and security, learn to recognize them. By doing this, you perpetuate love for your soul.
Home is not a place, thing, or space in time. It is a state of being - oneness. When you have achieved oneness, you will truly be home. (Shamani) [top]




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