Answers from Above

Answers About Love

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Questions follow this short introduction from Asmuth and Shamani:

Love, that which connects all things, “living” and “non-living.” Love can be as simple as one feeling, one thought, or one idea. Love is the symbol of two hearts, two souls joined as one. Love in its purest form is the essence of one—perfection. What a perfect love, a song of the heart so deeply expressed. Love is everywhere, love is the universe and the universe is love. We are all one, one in love. Where do we go from one?

Look into your soul, do you see love for all things or just a select few? Do you treasure love as if you own it or do you freely share it? Love is the magic that lies inside each of our souls. We all know what it is to be loved, to feel love, and to share love. Some of you may deny this truth, but the truth stands in the light of your soul.

As you read the questions and answers in this chapter, stop for a moment and think about what you are reading. The words of truth are simple, simple questions and simple answers. Love is simple, yet oftentimes you make it more complicated than it truly is. So I invite you to read between the lines of love. Love yourself and love all things equally, simply love. (Asmuth)

Blissful love, a sharing of two beings, united in love. See the good, the essence of your partner. Spend time alone, question each other, explore your feelings. Revisit the aspect of that person that you fell in love with. Build upon that aspect. Nurture, establish, beguile, demonstrate your love for that other person. Dreams can come true, you are the director. Build the relationship on trust, a mutual trust. Every good building has a foundation, so too must your love have a good foundation.

Temptations of the heart may cause you to stray but true love shall never perish. It stands the test of time. Be forgiving, for in forgiveness you release yourself from the pain and tragedy. Emotion is very powerful, it is as it is—neither good nor bad, but entirely expressive. To cast it out is not a release but a hindrance. Embrace your emotions, you can be guided by them but not entirely. Leave some room. Manifestations of the spirit abound. You know best what you feel. (Shamani)


What would you say to those people searching for love?
Can “oneness” be achieved with another person on this (the earth) plane?
Why do some people search for the ultimate partner while others seem happiest being alone?
Why do some people choose not to share love with anyone?
Why is it that many of us run away from love? Are we afraid of it?
What would you say to those who have difficulty loving?
Why are so many of us afraid of real intimacy?
How can we let go of our anger over the past—especially regarding intimate relationships?
Why do we become jealous and possessive of each other?
How do we establish trust in a relationship that has been clouded by mistrust?
How can we distance ourselves from difficult relationships?
What do we gain from friendships?
How will we know if we’ve found true love?
Tell us about the concept of soulmates.
How do we know if we’ve met our true soulmate?


What would you say to those people searching for love?

The search must begin with you. First, you must love yourself. The bluebirds flutter their wings, almost in a ritual dance. You gain a sense of love in action.
Crystal beams of love shone down upon you. You are filled with light, a bright light glistening down on both of you.

Love is not an abstract concept nor something you wash and wear. Love is like an essence. You can not touch it but you can feel it.

As I said before, the journey must begin within you. Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself. Do not look outside of yourself for love. It is not contained in a thing.

Look around you, what is it that makes you feel good all over? Let’s say you’re sitting next to a creek or stream, you hear the rushing water, you see the beautiful green leaves sparkling in the sunlight, this makes you feel good all over. It is the beauty of the moment, when everything seems perfect. This is an example of love. (Asmuth)   [top]

Can “oneness” be achieved with another person on this (the earth) plane?

Oneness can be achieved on all levels of the mind (soul) as well as with another person on the earth plane. The concept of oneness need not be abstract. Oneness is a concept of divinity. There is a divine purpose for everyone and everything. In divinity, there is oneness. From one you were born, to one you shall return. I speak of the idea of the collective soul.

In oneness, there is perfection. The essence of one is perfect. So I say, if two souls wish to unite in “oneness” on the earth plane, then so be it. The energies of two can become one. In order for this to occur, there must be a unification of the body, mind, and spirit. This can be achieved through the act of making love. A connection of energies at the root chakra. A complete bond of the mind, body, and spirit of two beings. This “oneness” can only be achieved by soulmates.

Other beings can achieve oneness on other levels of the mind, body, or spirit. So often, you feel that you connect with another person on one of these levels. You might consider these people your friends or even mates (husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends). Many of you feel there is something lacking in your present relationship, you don’t feel oneness with the other person. But I say, you must first feel oneness with yourself before you can feel oneness together with another person.

The oneness you seek is within your soul. You will not find it in another thing or person. Oneness on all levels of the mind can only be attained through the pursuit and embracement of love and truth. May your journey to oneness be filled with honesty. For in honesty lies the true essence of what is. (Asmuth)   [top]

Why do some people search for the ultimate partner while others seem happiest being alone?

The ancestors, those who have lived before you tell the story. There are those of you who search for your soulmate (ultimate partner). You see beyond the physical and mental realms of existence, and dabble in the spiritual realm. You have opened your mind (soul) to find an expression of love which is similar to yours. You are not content with the ordinary and matter-of-fact, you have ing yourself, you do not realize that there is so much more. A spiritual love (a soulmate) awaits your discovery. Your relationships end up becoming lost in fantasy. You truly become distant to yourself.

There is truth in both seeking an ultimate partner and being alone. If you are “happy,” take comfort in that feeling of happiness. If you are not “happy,” then change your perception. The universe is filled with endless love, are you ready to accept love into your life? If so, open your “heart” and let the love and light fill you.

Remember, happiness is a state of being. It can be as temporary or permanent as you want. Happiness can be found with your ultimate partner or by being alone. Each of you knows how much love you can share. May each of you feel free to express love in your own way. May you truly discover a permanent state of happiness. (Shamani)  [top]

Why do some people choose not to share love with anyone?

For some, love is a distant concept. For some, love can be fearful. Others embrace love. Some are on a quest for answers and do not realize that love is at the center of everything. They hide themselves in masks or space suits, protecting themselves. Fear of rejection is a common theme.

 Why is it that many of us run away from love? Are we afraid of it?

 If we never give of ourselves, we lead such a coveted existence. Life without love seems so empty. But do not fret, for in each of you there is love. The love may not shine brightly but it is there. Sometimes, it takes a special person to bring it out. (Asmuth)  [top]

Why is it that many of us run away from love? Are we afraid of it? 

If we never give of ourselves, we lead such a coveted existence. Life without love seems so empty. But do not fret, for in each of you there is love. The love may not shine brightly but it is there. Sometimes, it takes a special person to bring it out. (Asmuth)  [top]

What would you say to those who have difficulty loving? 

Listen to the forest, it has many stories of love to tell. The golden leaves of love shine down upon you. Do you know that you are always surrounded by love, even in the most difficult times of your life? I speak of the times you strayed so far from love that everything seemed hopeless. There are those who watch over you, we love you. And so we ask you to open your heart, let the golden light shine in. You have so much love to share yet you do not recognize what you have.

Love can be expressed in many ways. Find a way that you are comfortable with. A simple act of kindness can be a pure expression of love. Of course, there are those of you that are able to openly express your feelings of love. If you are comfortable expressing love in this manner, then so be it.

Remember that love is a beautiful thing. Visualize a spring paradise, a garden filled with flowers and songbirds. Do you not feel a sense of love here? So I say, if you have difficulty loving, visualize a place of love in your mind. It could be a garden, a reunion with your soulmate, a single flower, a golden leaf, or whatever you envision. Remember you deserve to feel love and to be loved. Once you have a vision of love in your mind, hold it there. When you feel you are comfortable with your vision, then go forth and spread your vision of love. Let others be comforted by your love.

See the feathers of love that I lay before you. Pick one up and see the beauty of that one feather. It is a symbol of our love for you, please know that as long as you hold the feather, you will be a reflection of love for all to see. (Shamani)   [top]

Why are so many of us afraid of real intimacy?

Why are we afraid of anything? We fear what we do not know. The truth withstanding will lead you to the answer. For now, I tell you. Sharing one’s most intimate thoughts is paramount to growth. Trust yourself, it is true you may be burned in the fire of truth. But until you let go, the fires will burn brightly within you, scorching your insides. An outlet is needed much like the steam in an engine.

Fires out of control. Each fire has its limit, burns at a certain temperature, engulfs what it needs to survive. Till it reaches a ires of passion burn brightly within you.

Subdued and restrained, some without purpose or desire, cast these aside. Bring the light of your spirit, cast it into the fire, and walk. It creates sparks as it burns to light a new way. (Asmuth)   [top]

How can we let go of our anger over the past—especially regarding intimate relationships?

Intimacy, the union of two souls. Cast out the doubts, the fears, the hopes, the dreams. The roads lead us down separate paths but at last the roads converge again. Who knows what path we shall be lead down.

Anger, a troubling emotion. Yours, mine, what to do about it? Seek the answers within, go to your heart. See what it is that has whittled away. Fears of loss and intimacy—what is it that bothers you?

Replace it with love. Love is the means with an end to itself. The stars above glisten for you, shine upon you. Reach up and catch one. Then make a wish upon it and cast it out. If it returns to you, then it is yours to keep. If it never returns, then you have comfort in knowing it was never yours in the first place.

Who needs to be first, second is fine, third is even better. Place yourself where you feel comfort. Comfort yourself with love and prosperity for you deserve all of this, this and much more.

Anger is self-defeating, circles of passion. Passion unspent, undesired. Go forth and seek that which makes you unhappy, then return and embrace it. Hold it, see it, admonish it. (Asmuth)   [top]

Why do we become jealous and possessive of each other?

Tangled in a web of inadequacy. We want to find fault in what we do not understand. Look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? A wholesome and honest being. Do not seek to find something to hate in that other person. You are both born of the spirit, the spirit guides you. Callousness, deceit, dishonesty, possessiveness, and jealousy only serve to keep you from yourself. You who are a beautiful expression of love. You, conceived out of love.
Tear down the walls of inadequacy, see who you really are. Embody the truth, glorify yourself. (Shamani)  [top]

How do we establish trust in a relationship that has been clouded by mistrust?

Trust yourself first. Bring that trust to the forefront of your mind. Trust your passion, your thoughts, your mind. Trust is built on a foundation of truth. The truth is known to those who seek it.

The clouds of mistrust disguised. Take off the disguise, show your true self. The mask of indignity, the hurt, the promises unkept. Who are you? Where are you? Forever seems like never, where have I gone wrong? Are these questions you ask? Questions of the heart must be answered with answers of the heart.

The clouds of mistrust loom low, dark gray and shades of black seem to covet us. Strike up the sword and embellish your desires. A silver knight, a knight in shining armor sweeps you off your feet. Oh gallant horsemen, take me away from this. Bring me to another place, another time, another space. I feel weak from the journey.

Breathe life into me again, restore the trust again. Trust thy self from which all good things come. (Asmuth)  [top]

How can we distance ourselves from difficult relationships?

Take two steps back, visualize the difficult relationship in a crystal ball. Look at it, what do you see? What is it that makes this relationship so difficult to accept? Acceptance is the key. For no matter how far you move away, if you have not dealt with the relationship, distance does not matter.

Distance is a matter of space and time. Eliminate or reduce one of these and you change the distance.

If you must distance yourself, find a place in your heart or in your mind where you feel safe. A place where you can retreat to.

Everybody needs a place like this. Create a place and decorate it. Purple is a nice deep color which works well. You will be well-protected in this retreat if you use this color.

Take time to be alone, spend time with yourself. Choose to do something good for yourself today. Read a book, sing a song, meditate. Separate yourself from the situation and when you return from your retreat, you’ll feel a lot better. So I say, take time for yourself. You’ll find it is time well spent. (Asmuth)  [top]

What do we gain from friendships?

Friendships, a roller coaster of emotions or a smooth sailing ship? Can you find a place in between these two extremes? If you can, then you are a friend.

Friendships are elastic like a rubber band. If you stretch them too far, they will break. If you don’t stretch them at all, they will fall apart. Somewhere in the middle, you find a friend. A person who you can depend on, one who knows right from wrong, one who can guide you when you stray from the path of truth.

The essence of true friendship is a communion of the minds. You don’t necessarily have to agree with each other but you must honor and respect each other’s thoughts and feelings. Honesty is very important, it builds a solid foundation.

Friendships allow you to express your thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a somewhat free and unencumbered way. You have someone to listen to you and in turn, they have someone to listen to them. It is a fair exchange.

Too often, expectations and conditions are placed on a friendship. These can deteriorate a friendship. Friends often reflect what you like or don’t like in yourself. Isn’t this how you choose your friends?

What you ultimately gain from friendships is a true sharing of yourself, in whole or part, with another person, plant, animal, or thing. Do not limit your friendships to people. Be a friend to all things, for all things are your friend. (Asmuth)   [top]

How will we know if we’ve found true love? 

Love is like lamb’s milk, so warm and nourishing. Love can be as beautiful as the colors of the rainbow. See the rainbow in all its brilliance, embrace the beauty it has to share with you. Love is not elusive like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Love is what lies inside of you. Love is the most important thing of creation, for creation is love. When you have found true love within you, share the spark with someone you truly love. So you ask, how will I know if I’ve found true love? To this I respond, you will see a bright light glowing within you. You will feel completely at one with yourself or in the union with another soul. When two souls that share such a deep level of love and understanding unite, there can be no doubt that you together have found true love.

A rainbow of crystals surrounds you. You are in a paradise filled with love, let there be no doubts. Turn the doubts into little whispers which are carried away by the wind. Let the wind carry your two souls which merge as one; the light within you shines brilliantly.

True love is pure energy, the energy of two joined as one. For in two united as one, you shall find true love. May the feathers of love caress your body, mind, and soul. May the spirit of love shine within you, and may you find the door that leads to true love. (Shamani)   [top] 

Tell us about the concept of soulmates. 

Old souls, wise souls, those souls have traveled eons to a place known only to them. Sharing the same spirit, equal wisdom, equal love. They embody the truth. Like two crickets in the night, their sounds attract each other, bringing them closer.

Soulmates seek eternal life, eternal truth, a destiny so promised by the elders. The wise ones have joined, have found the truth, now they share it with us. Embodied in nature, a love so everlasting, broken although strained through time. Challenges abound but the souls are strong.

Visions of the past, visions of the future, joined to form the present. The energy of one, the union of many. Blessed are you who walk together in love and unity, for you cherish the bright light that shines within. Honor thy self, take notice, glorify thyself. Be a symbol to others. The love you share is beyond worldly imagine. Glow like the candle, enumerate visibly for all to see. (Shamani)   [top]

How do we know if we’ve met our true soulmate? 

True love, an expression of two souls. Soulmates, like two ships passing in the night, reunited.

A barren landscape you have traveled but now you reach a lush tropical landscape. The differences are like night and day. The barren landscape was full of deception, deceit, lies, emptiness, and pain. You felt alone, without purpose. You always hoped and believed something better lie beyond the horizon.

The beautiful dark red and orange sunsets seemed so distant. Would you ever reach them—could you ever embrace the beauty fully? I liken this to relationships both past and present which aren’t entirely fulfilling. You know that there is a person out there that you feel at one with. But where is he or she? Will I spend a lifetime or lifetimes looking for him or her?

Now you enter a lush rain forest filled with an abundance of life and beauty. You are completely at one and at peace with your surroundings. You never realized such beauty and warmth existed. It is beyond your wildest dreams. Dreams can come true and soulmates do exist. For every half, there is another half. Together, the two halves ake a whole. So I say, when you meet your soulmate, you will see a lush rain forest of emotions, ideas, thoughts, and physicality wrapped up in one. You will see yourself in this person but you will also see differences. You have traveled different but similar paths.

Above all, you will feel a love so special and so unique, a love like no other. (Asmuth) [top]



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