Answers from Above

Weekly Messages Archive October 2010

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October 29, 2010... Is the Ring of Fire becoming more active?
October 22, 2010....Are physical upheavals necessary to balance the earth?
October 15, 2010... Is global warming a fact or fantasy?
October 8, 2010.....What would be an ideal public school system?
October 1, 2010.....What can the U.S. do to help stop the drug-related violence in Mexico? 

October 29, 2010: Is the Ring of Fire becoming more active?

By the Ring of Fire, you are referring to the seismically active area circling the Pacific Ocean? There are many rings of fire.

For the purpose of this question, indeed the Ring of Fire is becoming more active. The increased activity has generated a lot of scientific, metaphysical, and religious interest among many scholars, teachers, and practitioners. There are the naysayers, soothsayers, and truthsayers, all weighing in and out on the issue. The worst thing you can do is ignore the Ring of Fire.

Fire consumes and rages out of control, when it is ignored. As you know, in a controlled environment, fire can provide warmth, heat to cook with, and heat to melt iron and various other metals into useable tools.

If you respect fire and do not misuse it, it will provide all you need. It is like the Earth. If you respect and honor its gifts, it will provide all you need. Conversely, if you disrespect and dishonor anyone or anything, they can get agitated, unbalanced, and angry.

The Earth shifts and turns as it needs to, to counter-balance and correct the impact people on earth have made. The Earth as a body will live on forever on the earth plane. Can you say the same? How does the Earth do this? By maintaining its core temperature, rocking, rolling, and blowing off steam and fire from time to time. Apply that philosophy to your life and you will increase your own awareness of moving in sync and harmony with all things—living and “non-living.” (Running Bear)


October 22, 2010: Are physical upheavals necessary to balance the earth?

The Earth is a very complex system of weights, balances, upheavals, subsidences, explosions, implosions, advancing tides, receding tides, molten rock, solid rock, and the list goes on. The Earth is like your living body. The fluids in your body recirculate and occasionally are excreted by natural processes.

When you receive a physical trauma, there is a sort of revolt and upheaval in your body. Your antibodies go into faster motion and move to the site of trauma. Think of the same happening inside the Earth (the globe).

If you are thrown off balance or are pricked and prodded, how do you react? It is the same with the Earth.

If you treat the Earth as a beautiful maternal (motherly) figure, you will receive all the love, nourishment, and life-sustaining resources you need. If you do not, you will get exactly what you have given.

So now I ask you, what have you given the Earth Mother or Mother Earth? Do you wish to change? The Earth and your life depends on your choice(s). Make the right one(s). (Shamani)  [Top]


October 15, 2010: Is global warming a fact or fantasy?

What is fact? What is fantasy? Is it not defined by the one who beholds the fact or fantasy? But in real terms, the Earth is being torn apart by human beings—those who inhabit the Earth right now.

The process you deem progress has resulted in worldwide destruction of the rain forests. These forests are essentially the lungs of the earth. Without them, the earth as you know it would be unsurvivable. The Earth would be a barren wasteland. There are those among you who would like to see this endnote to a sweet but sour melody.

When you heap large amounts of people, houses, farm animals, farms, pasture land, landfills, and countless buildings and paved sections on top of what was once natural earth, you are bound to increase the temperature of the earth by several degrees. In order for the earth to cool, it must release heat. Where does that heat go? The answer is, up into the atmosphere and trapped in a human-created chemical-laden layer of air. And where does the air end up? In your mouth and lungs, of course.

So whether you believe global warming is a fact or fantasy, you can be certain you are breathing chemical-laden air. And the chemicals you spray on the ground get heated up and some turn into gases. And where do you think they end up? In your mouth and lungs, of course.

So whether you believe the Earth is going through a cycle of heating or cooling, know that your life is many minutes, hours, and possibly days shorter, since you’ve been debating the issue. Is that time well spent? And are you warming or cooling in the meantime? (Shamani) [Top]

October 8, 2010: What would be an ideal public school system?

An ideal public school system means equality for all—an equal opportunity for all children to receive the same education.

But in order to realize this utopian ideal, the mindset of the entire United States or any other country, as well as the mindset of the internal people and school system, must be aligned toward this lofty goal.

Equality is based on perspective. What I perceive as equal may not equate with what you perceive.

An ideal public school system should be a layered or tiered system with a dozen or so learning tracks. Early on, an individual assessment of each child should be made. The child should be placed in a learning track, whether that be advanced academic, advanced trade, advanced skills, etc. Every child should be in a specific advanced learning track, based on their aptitude, motivation, and abilities. At the end of the year, with the child‘s and parents’ input, the advanced learning track the child is on can be continued or changed. The end result being a well-adjusted and educated population. If people (children and adults) are doing what they enjoy and like, they will be more receptive to growing and learning.

Some children learn by listening, others by reading, and others by doing. If you put all of these children in one classroom, as is in the traditional public school system, you are simply swimming against the current of harmonic learning.

If you create twelve or so learning tracks based on your schoolchildren’s abilities in your school district, you will have happier, more motivated, and more socially balanced children. Eliminate the wars and you will have no need for a public school system that turns out soldiers or clones—indistinguishable only by the clothes they wear. Are you willing to create and be part of this ideal public school system? If so, start one. If not, then be resigned to no change in your lifetime. (Asmuth)  [Top]

October 1, 2010: What can the U.S. do to help stop the drug-related violence in Mexico?

The solution to this problem is not simple nor complex. The solution straddles the middle, and the middle is the U.S.–Mexico border. When you think of good neighbors, you conjure up in your mind visions of unity, peace, and community. Are the United States and Mexico good neighbors?

It seems as of late, there are internal drug, political, and cultural wars being fought “over” and “across” the border(s). Think of the hatred and violence some have towards the Mexican people in the U.S., and conversely the same hatred and violence some have towards the American people in Mexico.

What does “U.S.” stand for? Doesn’t it remind you of another word—US? So why don’t we get together and figure out why there is so much drug-related violence in the U.S. and Mexico. Think of the Americas as a neighborhood. If you have the same problems in your own neighborhood, how can you ridicule others for what’s going on in their neighborhood?

Remember, all souls are connected and united with the Essence of One, that which many refer to as God. What you do to others, you do to yourself.

So what I say to all of you (us) is work on your own issues, your own problems, your own drug and alcohol use, your own addictions to power, greed, and money. If you can solve your own problems, then move on to your own neighborhood, then onto the America’s neighborhood, then onto the World neighborhood—all along the way seeing people and things for what they are. Souls need love, understanding, and assistance.

If you seek a solution to a problem, you must analyze your part in the problem, and then make it part of the solution. It’s neither simple nor complex. It resides within you. (Shamani)    [Top]



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