Answers from Above

Weekly Messages Archive April 2010

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April 30, 2010:......What do you think about people who have Williams Syndrome?
April 23, 2010:......Are there any hidden agendas in American’s health care bill?
April 16, 2010:......How can we heal the Earth and the earth?
April 9, 2010:........Will some people ascend in 2012?
April 2, 2010.........Are people from other countries “illegal” in God’s eyes?

April 30, 2010: What do you think about people who have Williams Syndrome?

To you, I bow my head in silence and ponder why you are so harsh on yourself but are so easily led by others. It seems you are sacrificing who you are for what you are.

I invite you to be who you are, without feeling the need to please and appease others. The others I speak of are not really your friends. They are merely extensions of your personality. It is too easy to follow others. I invite you to forge your own path. Think for yourself, act for yourself, and do for yourself.

What is a syndrome other than a long-standing issue or problem that needs attention. If you feel comfortable being part of a syndrome, then so be it. But if you truly want to walk the path of life on your own, then seek your own path. Do not expect others to lead you away from responsibility when the responsibility is yours.

Again, the choice is yours. Do for yourself or have others do for you. Lead yourself or have others lead you. Find yourself or have others find you. Will Williams Syndrome take you by the hand or will you take Williams Syndrome by the hand, and lead the way to true freedom? (Asmuth)  [Top]


April 23, 2010: Are there any hidden agendas in American’s health care bill?

Of course there are agendas in any bill, whether it is health care, car insurance, banking reform, or any of 1,000 stately concerns. The people you elect to serve you serve their own interests first just like you do. Do you wake up in the morning and take care of yourself first? Of course you do. If you didn’t tend to your own bodily needs, you could not function to help others. And if others don’t help themselves, what would you have? Chaos.

Look to your leaders to do the right thing for the benefit of all, not selected interests. Agendas are bred out of fear, insecurity, and inadequacy. If you look closely at yourself, you will see you have had agendas since childhood. They are basic plans to secure your own basic needs. Health care is a basic need; it’s not hidden from the truth.

What is hidden are the back door deals between those who represent you and the health care suppliers (corporations). Greed and power are not hidden from you when you see what is going on behind the scenes. So to say there are hidden agendas is to say you are turning a blind eye to what is really going on. Open your eyes. It’s part of your open agenda. Let your elected representatives know that your eyes are open. If you do, then there will be no hidden agendas in the health care bill. None. (Shamani)  [Top]

April 16, 2010: How can we heal the Earth and the earth?

Think of the earth and the Earth as one body, one mind, one spirit. The separateness many of you feel now is because you have lost touch with the earth and the Earth. You do not realize that you are part of the earth and the Earth. Healing must come from within and that means within all things, including you.

If you separate your self from yourself, you are only half of one. Sure, the two parts can exist and coexist, but as half of the other. You must realize this simple truth or else you will only see one side of yourself. And once you have seen your self and yourself together as one, you can heal the earth and the Earth.

The Earth, as one unit, needs your healing energy. It cannot exist much longer in its present state of stress and distress. Look at all the garbage piled on top of and below the earth. Could you carry this burden on top of and within you?

So I invite all of you to say a prayer for the earth and the Earth. Become one with the prayer and all will be healed. (Shamani)  [Top]

April 9, 2010: Will some people ascend in 2012?

Yes. The ascension is up to each and every one of you as individuals born of free will. It’s your choice, but you have a lot of work to do—all of you as a collective unit on Earth at this time. No one gets a free ride to heaven, nirvana, paradise, or Eden without doing the required work, reflection, and atonement for one’s life. Every one of you have a purpose. That is a given. It’s up to each of you to discover that purpose and live your life accordingly in a positive, peaceful, and loving way. Wishing for the stars to shine upon you without doing the work to get to them is not a short cut to ascension. You must do the work.

Is ascension guaranteed? In some religions and belief systems, it is. But what is a guarantee worth if you have not contributed to the outcome?

Ascension is a state of unconditional love of mind, body, and spirit. Are you ready to ascend or do you have some more work to do? It’s your choice, your free will. I wish you well on your journey towards ascension. You will be blessed. (Asmuth)   [Top]


April 2, 2010: Are people from other countries “illegal” in God’s eyes?

How do you define “illegal”? Something which is not born from the hands of the creator, God. Do you think that God drew the Earth with the boundaries taken up by the “countries” of your world? His vision has and always will be oneness, unity, and love of all things. Indeed he bestowed free will upon all who were conceived in the light. And that free will has nearly destroyed the earth many times. But he is certain that all will come to know themselves and the individual oneness that drives the universal oneness. How can this concept be “illegal”?

I understand that many people on Earth are fiercely competing for earth’s resources. But I assure you, with proper management and allocation, whereby all are fed, watered, and properly clothed, there are enough resources for all.

Legal versus illegal is a foreign concept to me. God made everything and everyone equal in the beginning. Nothing has changed, except perhaps the boundaries many of you have drawn to divide people.

What if God drew boundaries and excluded you, even though you felt you could “legally” enter heaven? What if by a raffle and drawing the wrong number, you were labeled “illegal”?

There are no legals or illegals on Earth. And if you continue to separate yourself from the oneness that is in all people, you will stray further from God and all that you are. Truly you are the essence of one. And if you come to realize that, then you will realize you are an immigrant just trying to find his or her way back home. (Euphrena)   [Top]




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