Answers from Above

Weekly Message Archive January 2011

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  January 2011 Questions:

January 28, 2011: How can we forgive terrorists?
January 21, 2011: Why are so many large groups of birds and sea creatures dying lately?
January 14, 2011: How can we tolerate oppression?
January 7, 2011:  What advice would you give our newly-elected leaders?


January 28, 2011: How can we forgive terrorists?

The key to forgiveness is understanding why someone has done something to you. Did they do it out of fear, lack of resources, anger, revenge, frustration, dedication to a group or cause, by force, anxiety, discontent, malcontent, or just meanness? There are probably a thousand or million reasons people do what they do.

To cause one to live in fear is not a positive attribute. It shows a severe lack of love for oneself and others.

In order to forgive someone, you have to be willing to give up what has happened in the past. If you hold onto the anger, you will never be able to forgive.

And so the same is with terrorists, they cannot forgive those who have hurt them in the past. It’s all part of a cycle. Think of a wheel that has many spokes. Each spoke represents a feeling or experience in one’s life. These feelings or experiences can be labeled good or bad. The ones that are good don’t conjure up ill feelings. But those that are bad do.

Then once you have bad feelings, like attracts like, into a ball. And that ball gets thrown at someone and injures them. And then you seek out the one who injured you. For most people, their first thought is not forgiveness but should be. There is usually a reason why the injury happened. If you understand it, you can more easily forgive or forget that person. Sometimes, it’s easier to move on and forget that person.

Walking away from an irreconcilable problem is not weakness. It actually connotes strength, especially when based on an understanding of the person, the situation, and yourself.

Forgiveness must come from within. It is not easy, but it is necessary. If you can forgive yourself for all the “bad” things you’ve done, then you can forgive others. Accept your own self, love your self, and be a symbol of love for others to see. Forgive me and I will forgive you equally. (Euclisites)  (Top)

January 21, 2011: Why are so many large groups of birds and sea creatures dying lately?

When you thrust so many human beings upon one planet with a well-defined working atmosphere, you can expect many “unexplainable” occurrences. The scientists, scholars, politicians, environmentalists, students, and every age group among you have a theory. And most theories have a basis in a distinct cause outside of the individual. Since no one is responsible, everyone else is responsible.

The birds falling from the sky and the sea creatures washing up on the shorelines are great indicators of fundamental changes in the earth’s atmosphere. Do you realize what air you are breathing, what water you are drinking, and what food you are consuming? The inhabitants on Earth (you, not just everyone else) are consuming resources at a phenomenal rate. With all the advances in modern medicine, there is essentially no population control except those dying from poor life or lifestyle choices. And then it’s happening to or caused by someone else—not you.

It is time to take personal responsibility for your choices. Don’t become focused on what someone else is or isn’t doing. You don’t have time to manage or point out their shortcomings or faults.

The birds falling from the sky are teaching you to look up in the sky and see all that nature has given you—fresh air and beautiful skies.

The sea creatures washing up on the shorelines are teaching you to honor the sparkling clear, blue, and green waters of the Earth. You live primarily on the terrestrial earth and it is time for you to look beyond the earth.

It is far too easy to simply dismiss dying birds and sea creatures as a coincidental or unexplained phenomenon. That takes no creative explanation. It is time to look within and ask, how am I responsible for this and what can I do to change? Or simply blame it on someone else and suffer the consequences of your own non-action. Which course will you choose? Your life on Earth does depend on it. (Asmuth) (Top)


January 14, 2011: How can we tolerate oppression?

Tolerance must be learned and cannot be purchased. In order to learn about tolerance, you must first practice patience. Patience and tolerance go hand in hand.

Waiting for someone to extend a handshake to you is not tolerance. It is arrogance, though.

You ask, “How can we tolerate oppression?” Is it necessary to be tolerated? Why do we (you) have to tolerate it? I ask you, “How can oppression be tolerated, especially in a world of six-billion-plus people?”

Oppression is used by the self-proclaimed strong to control the perceived weak. In fact, if you look at the self-proclaimed strong and powerful people, they are indeed weak.

If you oppress one, you oppress many. See what you are doing and try to change your ways. There are many who are depending on you to change. Can you tolerate and accept change or will you be oppressed by your own intolerance?

Oppression and tolerance are choices. Which one will you choose? (Shamani)  (Top)

  January 7, 2011: What advice would you give our newly-elected leaders?

Life is too short to bicker away precious moments of individual truth(s). You have been elected to serve the people, not your own special interests or the special interests of others. For if you do this, you sell your soul for pennies when measured against the gold in heaven.

I realize that you are under tremendous pressure from your colleagues, party leaders, and campaign donors. Again, remember pennies versus gold for your soul. When you leave this earth, what will your legacy be? One who “sold out” just to move up?

The crises in both your “House” (the place you conduct the people’s business) and in the World are very connected. Notice how when one country sneezes or hiccups, the media spreads it round the world to almost every household. One law on the city, town, county, state, or federal level can have severe repercussions. And even more so when people argue about it.

So what I ask you to do is look deep within your heart, and bring your best game to the table. Don’t play games. Just be and do your best. For if you do, your legacy will be one of truth, honor, and determination. And that is what I would encourage you to set as an example of a gold standard for your business, the people’s business, and your life. Unless you want pennies? (Asmuth) (Top)

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