Answers from Above

Weekly Message Archive February 2011

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  February 2011 Questions:

February 25, 2011: Is the Iraq War a mistake?
February 18, 2011: Why was the earthquake in Haiti so devastating?
February 11, 2011: Should same-sex couples have the right to marry?

February 4, 2011: How are souls on the other side helping us with the transition to a new age? 


February 25, 2011: Is the Iraq War a mistake?

Can you call twenty years (1991-2011) a mistake, after hundreds of thousands of civilians (innocent people) and soldiers have died? If you were to acknowledge as a country (many have taken part) and a world that war is a mistake, where do you start apologizing? To the widows, orphans, and families of the dead, dying, disabled, maimed, and injured? Where do you start? What do you say? “I’m sorry” seems like a starting point.

War in any form is a mistake, to put it lightly. It’s a catastrophic event that should never happen. But economies and political systems are built around it. Those who are responsible rarely see daylight on the battlefield. They are too busy counting the money or wielding their political machine.

When war becomes less profitable and more cost-prohibitive, then you will see what a great blessing and honor it is to live on Earth and the earth. Until then, find a way to inner peace, where war can no longer survive. (Shamani) (Top)

February 18, 2011: Why was the earthquake in Haiti so devastating?

When one of the poorest nations in the world is subject to the worst Earth disaster in recent memory, it makes the news ten-fold. At first, there is an outpouring of food, water, resources, and money. Then greed kicks in and these things disappear internally within the Haitian government, as well as externally. If you see the money you’ve given to help those in dire need disappear, how likely are you to help next time?

The reason the earthquake in Haiti happened was to shed a bright spotlight on how many people suffer daily in this country. Are these people marginally better off than they were before the earthquake? Many are still worse off.

It is not the will of the Haitian people, who are very religious and very proud of their country, to suffer miserably. With all of the resources on the Earth, there is no reason for hunger.

Devastating events and circumstances bring people and resources together. Why can’t the world’s food and resource distribution system do this without having a catastrophe to dictate it?

The dictators and ruling parties of all nations must unite, and serve the people who elect them. Until this happens, you will continue to see the earth shake violently. What choice do you have? Make the responsible one. (Running Bear) (Top)

February 11, 2011: Should same-sex couples have the right to marry?

When the world you live in was created many eons ago, the idea and doctrine of free will was implanted in the “mind” (soul) of everything. To deny free will is akin to stopping the Earth’s rotation or changing the position of the constellations.

Remember, every soul is composed of masculine and feminine energy. Some have more of one and less of the other. Many are lopsided and thus exhibit an extreme masculine or feminine expression. This is neither good nor bad, it is what it is.

To argue and debate over the validity of one’s choice serves no purpose but to divide the whole. In essence, same sex, opposite sex, or no sex (those who remain abstinent) partners are all part of the one. The divisions are human-conceived and made. Why do you think you have so much tension in the world? It’s from people arguing over the rights of others to practice their own positive free will. I do not speak of the negative free will thinkers. They have the right to practice free will, but all free will has consequences.

Think of your life as a train ticket. The ticket is for a one-way trip. If you get off the train and wreck your own life, through your own choices, that’s it. You don’t get a refund.

Conversely, if you stay on the train and help others find their way, do good deeds without being asked, and practice how to be loving, caring, and positive, then you are destined for eternal life above.

Just because you agree or don’t agree with someone else’s choices doesn’t make you right. Remember, one is one, and one represents the whole—everything.

Find good in everyone and everything, and all will be good. (Asmuth) (Top)

February 4, 2011 How are souls on the other side helping us with the transition to a new age?

The time in which you are living is like no other time in Earth history. Given the universal knowledge base and the attainment of many spiritual goals across the universe, the upcoming new age of unconditional love and peace is just the beginning.

Since Earth is not the center of the Universe, like many of you think, there is much, much more to consider. Many souls on the other side are involved in multi-dimensional analysis. Think of this as a pie that is cut into individual slices, but the slices are invisible to each other. These slices are symbolic of the multiple levels on the other side. Each has a distinct color associated with it. Think of it as a rainbow of colors. Each color interacts as a vision or expression of the whole.

The whole is all that is and all that ever will be, as it stands here and now. The next moment is very different than a moment ago. Think of every soul’s action in the Universe at this moment in time. An endless amount of choices randomly- and divinely-sourced and arranged like a beautiful concerto.

The concerto is being written as you read this, with a great crescendo planned for the Grand Finale on Earth as you know it. Every soul in the universe has a place in this beautiful music arrangement. I want you to make the best choices so the best outcome is attainable.

With or without you, the new age of unconditional love and peace is coming. It has been written. The question is, have you written your part? (Running Bear) (Top)

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