Answers from Above

Weekly Message Archive May 2011

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  May 2011 Questions:

May 27, 2011: Why was the South (Southern United States) hit with such devastating tornadoes?
May 20, 2011: Will the world end (Armageddon) on May 21, 2011? Why do people say this?
May 13, 2011: Will the death of Osama bin Laden lead to peace for Americans and Afghanistan citizens?
May 6, 2011: Why are women becoming suicide bombers?



May 27, 2011: Why was the South (Southern United States) hit with such devastating tornadoes?

First and foremost, may the angels be with those who lost their lives, loved ones, houses, belongings, and cherished gifts, and memories. The devastation reaches far into the rural areas that are untouched by news crews, cameras, and sensational images. Yet these people are still suffering, weeks after the news crews have left the areas of destruction.

So all these people are left with is asking the question, why?

Tornadoes are the accumulation of an extreme amount of hot and cold energy mixed with a lot of moisture. The clouds associated with these tornadoes reach far into the upper reaches of the atmosphere, even though the tornadoes are at the lowest cloud level. It takes a lot of turbulent energy to generate these so-called “monster storms.” But there is a reason for them.

Think of your level of tolerance for certain things. Are you prone to emotional outbursts frequently, or do you let every emotion build up to a boiling point, then you explode? Think of the tornadoes in the Southern United States as a product of the latter.

What type of mental energy is being fueled in the South? Is it anger or love? Think of what is being fueled in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Sudan, Darfur, and countless other places in the world. Where does all this negative energy end up being manifested? Into the wind and carried halfway across the world on air currents and clouds, and dumped unknowingly on a human-populated area. Random or predictable? Who can prove it or disprove it? I’ll let you think about it and decide.

Raising the thunderclaps of war in one area releases thunder and devastation halfway across the other side of the world, and vice versa. What is energy and how is it transferred? Think about it and how it may affect other people. Pray for those who lost everything, or just a little. (Euphrena)    (Top)

May 20, 2011: Will the world end (Armageddon) on May 21, 2011? Why do people say this?

The world will end for some, on this day. Belief is a very powerful tool in the human mind. Think of all the things you believe in. Are they all based on truth, or wholly on fiction?

So will the world end (Armageddon) on May 21, 2011? Only if you believe it will. You can will any thing you want. Just look at the wars, disease, and strife in your world. How is this different from one fell swoop of widespread and worldwide devastation? It’s just one step at a time that you are doing it—trying to end the world, as you know it.

Who are you hoping will clean up the mess you leave behind? Sure, God has a plan for every eventuality, but look how free will has given you all you need, and it’s not enough.

When you’ve had enough, then your world will end as you know it. Life after the world ends will just be another life, and so on. You could be living amongst the dead, or dead amongst the living. It’s your choice.

Live in fear or live in safety. There are many among you who wish to cause fear in others by expressing negative emotions. For you who do this, your life will be shortened. You will not escape judgment day. You may think you will, if you don’t believe in the Universal Essence of One. Remember the words, “thy will be done.” It’s not external, it’s internal. It’s your own will. You cause your own pain and misery.

So if the world indeed ends on May 21, 2011, it’s your will that is done.

Live each moment in peace and you will never have to worry about what date or time the world will end. (Euclisites)    (Top)


May 13, 2011: Will the death of Osama bin Laden lead to peace for Americans and Afghanistan citizens?

One man/one leader does not make a nation. There are many followers of radical, moderate, and conservative truth. To say that one man has that much power to ensure peace for a half a billion people is far from the truth.

Did not one man say once, “The truth shall set you free”? Is it one man’s truth or the truth of many who stand with the truth?

The word “peace” is used to disguise the objectives of war. Do you really believe that peace in America or Afghanistan is the ultimate goal of war? No. Greed and profit for a few thousand is the motive.

If you had peace, the corporate profits would go down. Those who benefit largely from the war machine are so dependent on the money and the lifestyle it gives, that they say “no” to peace. They know wars for millennia have been waged “successfully” under the guise of peace.

You cannot have peace in a world at war. It’s impossible. But what is possible is having peace in your personal world. That’s the key to peace, finding individual peace and saying “no” to war. War or peace—it’s an easy choice, depending on whether you profit or not. Which side are you on? (Asmuth)    (Top)

April 29, 2011: How can we help returning soldiers who contemplate suicide?

By simply helping them to understand that suicide is simply escaping the realities of war and their life. These men and women have seen war up front—close and personal. It is not pretty, sweet, compassionate, or caring. It’s just the opposite.

Suicide is not glamorous. In order to help someone contemplating suicide, you have to get down in the trenches with them. You have to get into their mind, dig out their rooted emotions of self-hatred, self-loathing, blame, and guilt. Hypnotic therapy can be beneficial and very useful, but only under the guidance of a certified/licensed professional in a controlled environment. This is necessary in extreme cases.

One who is contemplating suicide simply needs to be hugged, loved, listened to, and looked after. But so many of you see this as out of the realm of your sphere. You see depressed and suicidal individuals as an energy draw, or simply that you don’t want to catch their “disease.”

But if you separate war from reality, and realize war is chosen and reality is created, this is the first step. It is necessary to assist the returning soldiers by helping them to separate from war and move back into the civilized world. War is not civilized. It may seem necessary, but it destroys one’s soul. It is the opposite of love.

Love is the cure for all ailments. Spread love and help those who need love to find it within themselves. (Euclisites)  (Top)

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