Answers from Above

Weekly Message Archive April 2011

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  April 2011 Questions:

April 29, 2011: How can we help returning soldiers who contemplate suicide?
April 22, 2011: For Easter Sunday, a message of peace for everyone from all the angels and spirit guides.
April 15, 2011: Will Mexico ever be safe from drug lords?
April 8, 2011: What does Egypt’s future hold?
April 1, 2011: Will the protests in the Middle East bring eventual peace to the area?


April 29, 2011: How can we help returning soldiers who contemplate suicide?

By simply helping them to understand that suicide is simply escaping the realities of war and their life. These men and women have seen war up front—close and personal. It is not pretty, sweet, compassionate, or caring. It’s just the opposite.

Suicide is not glamorous. In order to help someone contemplating suicide, you have to get down in the trenches with them. You have to get into their mind, dig out their rooted emotions of self-hatred, self-loathing, blame, and guilt. Hypnotic therapy can be beneficial and very useful, but only under the guidance of a certified/licensed professional in a controlled environment. This is necessary in extreme cases.

One who is contemplating suicide simply needs to be hugged, loved, listened to, and looked after. But so many of you see this as out of the realm of your sphere. You see depressed and suicidal individuals as an energy draw, or simply that you don’t want to catch their “disease.”

But if you separate war from reality, and realize war is chosen and reality is created, this is the first step. It is necessary to assist the returning soldiers by helping them to separate from war and move back into the civilized world. War is not civilized. It may seem necessary, but it destroys one’s soul. It is the opposite of love.

Love is the cure for all ailments. Spread love and help those who need love to find it within themselves. (Euclisites)  (Top)

April 22, 2011: For Easter Sunday, a message of peace for everyone from all the angels and spirit guides.

Greetings and abundant blessings to all of you who gather here today in the name of peace. As you celebrate this sacred day of Easter, remember why you are celebrating it. This day marks the resurrection of Jesus from earth to a place you know as heaven, nirvana, shambala, and numerous other names.

The name is not so important as the place. In order to find that place, you must clear and cleanse your body, mind, and spirit. It is true that you can reach heaven on earth, but it takes a lot of work.

Jesus came to earth to teach you the value and the true gift of living on earth. Many of you have “forgotten” this, as you try in vain to reach the other side by destroying the vessel (the body) that houses your soul. Life on earth is a true gift, but few among you realize it.

If you consume news and ideas of hatred, anger, violence, greed, jealousy, and any host of negative trends, you are not living. Instead you are slowly dying and is that the legacy you want to leave behind?

Why not promote good news, good fellowship, a sense of positive and loving communication, and hope across the airwaves? Think of the airwaves not just as television, radio, internet, and print media outlets, but also what words come out of your mouth on a daily basis. Are you promoting positive communication or just going along spouting hate- and fear-mongering, so present in your world media. Think about what some people are really selling you through advertisements, and what you are really buying.

Peace can never be achieved unless and until you gather the pieces of your own life and make peace with yourself and others who have wronged or seemingly wronged you. Remember, every thing on Earth is different, down to a microscopic creature. Every thing has a purpose, but every thing is part of the essence of one—God.

So, I invite you to pick up your pieces and piece together your life, and make peace with yourself. If everyone does this, then Jesus and all the masters through time and various religions can be seen as one, which they truly are.

Are you ready to piece together your life and make peace with yourself?

Then you are ready to help others find their pieces. Remember positive communication, positive growth, and positive peace.  (Top)

April 15, 2011: Will Mexico ever be safe from drug lords?

Safety must be exercised within the people and within the borders of Mexico. No one person can save Mexico from its own fate.

Drugs are used by people all over the world. There is no distinction between prescription and non-prescription drugs. One can misuse, abuse, and become addicted to either. Drug lords can be individuals or owners/executives of pharmaceutical companies. If you or someone else creates a demand, then you are part of the problem. But the good news is you can also be part of the solution.

You have to take charge of your own life. It’s too easy to let a drug do the work to try to make you happy, content, more beautiful, thinner, younger, and more content. There are all kinds of promises of effects and side-effects, but no drug can truly cure addiction—the cure must come from within.

Addictions are rampant across the general population of the earth. And when one is addicted, they need a supplier. It’s all supply and demand. They supply and you demand. The drug lords simply give you what you demand. So you are part of the problem.

What are you going to do about it? (Asmuth)  (Top)


April 8, 2011: What does Egypt’s future hold?

It actually holds the secrets of life and the Universe. How long can the future hold out without being told?

Egypt, as a country, has a long, rich, and intriguing history of kings and queens. But now the people, at least some, have risen up and asked for a more democratic form of government.

There is much work to do on multiple levels. It is easy to ask for change, but far more difficult to make the change. It will take a concerted effort to build the new democracy.

Rules of peace and order must be enforced while the new government is formed. And even after, if peace is to be restored, there must be complete and honest dialogue with the “opposition” party.

The resolution that comes into view is that equality amongst all men and women must be premiere/first. This has been lacking for many, many years. Men and women must be brought together, if the new ruling party in Egypt is to succeed. Otherwise, the country will simply revert back to the status quo, until the next protest.

People are not afraid to stand up and be heard in your technologically-aware world. Instant communication can mean instant change, but true change must be carefully planned and managed. And that is where patience is needed and extended communication is needed. But this is the world’s lesson in your modern technology.

A long-range vision and plan must be well thought out, or instant change without a plan is civil war in waiting. Be careful what you ask for. It may not be what you want. (Asmuth) (Top)


April 1, 2011: Will the protests in the Middle East bring eventual peace to the area?

Only when peace becomes the true objective, instead of dividing the Middle East into pieces and regions. Think about this—if you have a delicious cherry pie and divide it into twelve equal pieces, and everyone gets a piece, then you have peace.

But if one person grabs a second piece, then everyone wants a second piece, and so on and so forth. Then the stage is set for a war. And that is what has happened for thousands of years with millions of lives lost. And do you have peace today?

The protests are simply an uprising against the extension of the disproportionate use of power and allocation of resources from one generation to the next. Can you blame someone for wanting the freedoms you enjoy?

Protests have a way of weeding out what is not right and bringing it to the forefront for discussion. Whether the protestors succeed depends on their willingness to accept the outcome, whether in their favor or not. If you feel strong enough about taking action, then you must be prepared for a reaction.

And when all is said and done, the protestors had better have a plan for a new government, hopefully allowing others to share the pieces of the pie equally. Or else they are equal to those who ruled before them, and eventual peace will be ever-elusive. Peace or piece—you decide. (Running Bear) (Top)

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